PyCon Nigeria Annual Conference

From Workshops to Masterminds: Building a thriving Python Community with the Python Ho User Group.


Kafui Alordo

A Software Engineer and a Developer Advocate, building the Python User Group Ho as the Lead/Organizer. He is also a Django Software Foundation individual member, a volunteer Python Ghana open source contributor and Django Girls Ho organizer - through which he is actively building his developer community in the capacity of diversity and inclusion.


This talk elaborates more on the Python Ho User Group community, initially underrepresented, transformed into a hub for tech enthusiasts, expanding collaborative networks within and globally, and regaining momentum post-Covid.


“From Workshops to Masterminds” is a thriller into my personal story of my growth within the Python community in Ghana. From attending my first workshop as a volunteer coach to meetups and eventually leading the Python Ho User Group, I unearthed experiences of overcoming challenges, building confidence, and finding a place in the community that contributed to the crucial parts of my career journey.

This arduous journey reminds me of the vital advice that fueled my resilience: staying curious, embracing a teachable spirit, and remembering that genuine tech passion goes beyond mere desire.

Regardless of our backgrounds—beginners, intermediates, or seasoned professionals—we all share a spark of curiosity and a drive to learn and grow.

We crave constant growth, embracing unlearning and relearning while holding an open mind.

Ultimately, contributing to our community fuels our shared journey of continuous progress.

Audience level: Intermediate or Advanced